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tv   Andrea Mitchell Reports  MSNBC  July 31, 2014 9:00am-10:01am PDT

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agree that these closing hours yesterday and today before we leave for the august 60 work period are a mess. digging in. israel calls up 16,000 reserve troops as prime minister netanyahu vows the assault on gaza will not stop until all the tunnels used for attacks are destroyed. but that could happen by early next week. a cameraman was filming as ambulances rushed to a blast in gaza city. when suddenly -- the cameraman for a pro-hamas media company kept rolling as 11 rounds rained down. and state of emergency. fighting a losing battle to contain the largest ebola outbreak in history.
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african leaders are taking new measures to stop the rising death toll. this as two peace corps volunteers potentially exposed to the virus are now under quarantine. more than 300 others have been evacuated from the region. >> i can see they are scared to look over this fence right behind you and see the patients and know their chances are very small. good day. i'm andrea mitchel in washington, hope to capitol hill and a legislative drama that's taking plenty of twists and turned over the last 24 hours. the main character, house speaker john boehner trying to pull out all stops and get $659 million border bill cut back dramatically from the president's pass. ted cruz huddling with house
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conservatives and pushing for legislation that handcuffs the president on any future executive orders tied to the immigration issue. and the antagonist president obama and nancy pelosi using impeachment chatter from both sides of the aisle to try to force 214 -- 2014 fund-raising. joining me for the daily fix, chris cillizza, managing editor of postpolitics cannot pm and "washington post" political reporter nia malika henderson. both, welcome. the base are getting energized. that's the whole point, isn't it? >> i think when boehner thought about this initially he might have thought it was just going to be the republicans energized. you've seen democrats be able to raise millions of dollars out there. you have the president out on the stump talking about people hating on him. he looks like he's having a lot of fun with this. >> this is just yet -- the whole -- look. the white house proposed a $3.7 billion spending bill to address
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the crise ice. >> and in the past 2.7. >> this is a $659 million program that boehner is fighting like the dickens to get through the house. so, you know, i think the latest reporting i just got an e-mail from bob costa, one of our folks on the hill, leadership is feeling better about getting it passed, but i would say to folks. look, even if it passes -- we're talking about $2.7 billion through the senate. $659 million through the house. and the white house wanting basically $4 billion. you'll go to -- this is not -- them passing it, it is an accomplishment but it doesn't mean we're now addressing congress is addressing the border bill. >> take this back justice a step. the senate passed an immigration reform bill a year ago. the house did nothing. rejected that. now the house, hours before leaving town is trying to pass a
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band-aid which it knows the senate won't conference with before the senate leaves. so this is basically passing the buck. >> yeah, it is passing the buck. and it's what we've seen a number of measures. they were able to get the veterans things done with the highway transportation bill. that was kind of a pass the buck measure as well. but this is what this, you know, congress has been like. it's emergency, emergency, act in the final hours and then barely. >> and the truth of the matter, they aren't able to do -- they aren't able to do big things. when big things arise, they tend to sort of do a little thing to move the ball a little bit and say, i won't do that big thing the next time the big thing comes around. >> right. >> nancy pelosi talked today and reporters questioned whether this was all posturing, the impeachment debate. >> aren't democrats guilty of the same -- >> no. >> -- base rallying you are accusing republicans are. because you're raising money off
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of this talk when the president continues to say -- >> let me tell you something. that money coming in is practically spontaneous. people are very upset. >> so she's acknowledging, the money is just pouring in. this is working for them. >> and look, john boehner, paul ryan, some of the bigger members of leadership have smartly said, we're not talking about impeachment. this is not a thing. the white house brought this up. but here's the problem. once you open -- i wrote about this yesterday. once you open the pandora's box of we're suing the president of the united states, now you open it up for -- now sarah palin said she thought the president should be impeached prior to this lawsuit. but you open it up for the very conservative wing of the house caucus. we know there are a lot of them. when they are asked by a local radio station they say, you know what? maybe. now that just adds to it and adds to it. i understand what john boehner was doing. i just -- there are unintended
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consequences that come to all of these things. and i think -- >> like the harry reid filibuster thing. >> i don't think this decides the election. i thing white house, and we saw this. they did this in 2010. they are looking for some issue to energize the base. in 2010 it was big money. they are trying to buy everything. this time, oh, the koch brothers. i think they'll do that again. they are trying to find an issue. they know the electoral environment is not great for them. this is a way to do that. >> it makes the president look embattled as well which is something that will rally the base. and i do think the initial sort of opening of the can of worms and the pandora's box came when this sprt a lawless president. if you believe he's a lawless president then the next question is, what are you going to do about it? >> how many of the republicans and democrats, have postponed implementation of something they've legislated. let's leave it there for now. to be continued. joining me is a leading
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republican lawmaker in the immigration battle from california. joining me from the hill. you have heard the conversation here. you've heard the debate, of course, today. what's going to happen to boehner's bill, and is it a good thing? should it pass? >> yes, it's going to pass. we're deal with a variety of different talks on the last day before we go back to our work period in the district. we've got a number of big issues to resolve. i would say that immigration, this border crisis, humanitarian crisis is first and foremost. we've got to get it taken care of before we leave. >> how do you justify going home with a $659 million bill, not what the senate passed, which was $2.7 billion. not what the president asked for which was $3.7 billion, and it's not going to get passed and signed by the president because it's being done only hours before you leave town. >> you know, i think it takes real leadership to bring a bill like this forward. we've got to send a very strong
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message to the american public that we are addressing this crisis. and leave it up to the president whether or not he wants to play politics with this or whether or not he wants to sign this bill. for me, for somebody who has been fighting to fix our broken immigration system, to have full reform, this is a short-term funding bill. nobody has made any question about that. we're doing a short-term bill so that we can come back and actually address all of immigration either in the lame-duck or first part of next year. we've got to secure the border first. we have to address these kids that are now moving in different detention centers throughout the united states. >> and what about ted cruz? is he really the playmaker? who is the speaker of the house? who is the coach? ted cruz seems to be amping up the conservative caucus. >> we certainly have a lot of faith in our leadership, as well as kay granger and her working group. a number of us have gone down to the border. we've listened to the american public. we've went down to understand
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from border patrol what needs to be done. we have a bill on the floor. ted cruz can work on a solution in the body that he's elected to represent. we look forward to his solutions in the senate. that's something he's going to have to work through. >> in other words, stay out of our house. thank you. i'm putting words in your mouth. i said it, you didn't. thank you very much, congressman. have a good work period or whatever it is we're going to call it. >> my pleasure. thanks for having me. and much more right ahead here on "andrea mitchell reports" on this getaway day on capitol hill. as we continue to keep tabs on all the action today with just a few hours left to go before the august recess. coming up, reinforcements. today israel calling up 16,000 reserve troops to join the fight against hamas. we'll check in with our reporters there from both sides of the conflict coming up next. you fifteen percent or more on huh, fiftcar insurance.uld save yeah, everybody knows that. well, did you know that playing cards with kenny rogers gets old pretty fast? ♪ you got to know when to hold'em. ♪
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israel's air strikes continue pounding gaza today. hamas continues to fire rockets back at israel or one starting the other following. both sides engage. president netanyahu says no cease-fire will take place until they finish taking out hamas tunnels. a military source does tell nbc news that that could be completed by monday or tuesday. i'm joined by ayman mohyeldin in gaza and from tel aviv, nbc's martin fletcher. you saw the tunnels firsthand yesterday. we'll talk bhoer that and look forward to seeing all your reporting tonight on "nbc nightly news." they are substantial as you were describing them. we saw the pictures yesterday. these are the kinds of tunnels, they are concrete made and a
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tall person can walk through. >> that's right. a tiny bit lower than i am, and incredibly sophisticated. concrete tunnels. more than 1 1/2 miles long. concrete tunnel with electric, with telephone cables, with rails for taking out the sand. there's so much fighting going on right now with israelis looking for tunnels just like this one. it began inside a house and continued into israel. and the place we found it it continues several hundred yards more. and it ended inside the farm land of an agricultural settlement near the border. the people in the area along the gaza border. about 23 settlements in small towns directly affected that are completely within easy range of these tunnels. so the people there are very frightened. a lot of people said to me in the area we visited, we can live with the rockets.
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we hate it but we can live with the rockets. we hear the sirens and can run somewhere when the rockets are falling but the tunnels. it's changing the kind of warfare. for them it's a permanent terror. they never know at what point somebody can pop out of the ground and go into the school, the dining room. they live in permanent fear. that's why there's such a strong percentage of israelis behind the prime minister. 90% of israelis support the prime minister when he says they can't stop fighting until they've eliminated the threat of tunnels because it's really changing the way of life in southern israel. >> ayman, of course the humanitarian disaster that gaza is now is alarming, outraging much of the world. interestingly as "the new york times" pointed out, the dirty little secret is arab leaders in qatar, in -- rather outside of qatar, in saudi arabia and jordan and the uae and egypt are not speaking out. even mahmoud abbas, the
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palestinian, the west bank did not speak out forcefully until recently because they view hamas as a bigger enemy than israel, many of them. >> well, certainly not necessarily an enemy but definitely a threat. there's no doubt about it. in the course of the last three years, the rise of political islam in organizations like the muslim brotherhood and other movements similar to hamas elsewhere has given a major moment of pause for some of these autocratic regimes to reassess whether or not organizations like hamas are actually contributing or destabilizing the region. so there's no doubt that on a political level among some of these autocratic regimes there's a desire to see hamas weaken politically. that doesn't mean they condone or support the killing of palestinians but no doubt about it. there is a sense of tacit approval to the attempt to weaken hamas. perhaps we're seeing that more with egypt than in any other country. a country that has historically played a role in mediating between palestinian factions and
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israel because it's one of the two arab countries that has a peace treaty with israel. they seem to be distant given the regime in egypt is very much anti-muslim brotherhood which is an extension that hamas comes from. there's also an important point to be made. there's a difference between the arab regimes and the governments and the arab street. the arab street still has a tremendous amount of sympathy for the palestinian people. there are calls to try and push and help support for the palestinian people. but as the problem in the middle east being so undemocratic, this street and upper echelons of the government rarely reflect one another. that's a problem we're seeing here in terms of support from the arab countries for the people of gaza on a humanitarian level. egypt will say, no, we are providing humanitarian aid but nonetheless it is not to the extent that people want to see it. the irony in all of this is some of the street protests, the larger ones are happening in europe, happening in the u.s. and the calls for support for the palestinian people are coming from europe and the united states. more so than they are coming from any demonstrations inside
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the muslim or arab world. >> ayman mohyeldin, martin fletcher, thank you both so very much. now to san diego where a small plane crashed into a crowded shopping center parking lot at the peak of rush hour last night. the pilot survived, but her only passenger was killed. police say it's a miracle there were no other fatalities on the ground. the fixed wing single engine plane started experiencing problems shortly after takeoff leading to this distressed communication between the pilot and the control tower right before the crash. >> oh, my god. i'm not getting any altitude here. >> full throttle. >> i'm full throttle. >> i'm going down. >> the ntsb is investigating the cause of the crash. the pilot is in a local hospital. she has severe injuries. (birds chirping softly in background.) (loud engine sounds!) what! how's it going? heard you need a ride to school.
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we're learning more about the american citizen who became a suicide bomber in syria. according to "the new york times," the young american monar muhammad was able to return to the u.s. after his jihadist training in syria spending several months back here before returning back to syria to carry out his attack in may. this new video posted by "the new york times" shows him destroying his passport, giving more details about why he chose to give up his life. >> i love you, mom. stay strong. i lived in america. i know how it is. you have all the fancy amusement parks and restaurants and the food and all this crap and the cars. and you think you are happy. you're not happy. you're never happy. >> incredible. joining me is "new york times" reporter muccal schmidt who wrote the story for "the new york times." first of all, the authencation
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of this, this comes from a jihadi website. what more do we know about him and how he managed to get in. wasn't he on some sort of flight list? >> well, what happened here is that the fbi and the department of homeland security knew that he had possibly gone to syria the first time. they didn't know much beyond that about him. and then what happens is he comes back from syria and spends six months in the united states. what they didn't know is he had gone to a terrorist training camp there, a militant training camp. and he spent six months back in the united states and then goes become to syria. they don't know that he's going back to syria. when he's there that time they learn that he's going to launch a suicide attack and he goes on to do that. so the issue here is that he was back from the united states for six months after being at this camp and they didn't know about it. >> weren't they tracking him? he was on their radar before he came back to the u.s. >> here's the issue. you can't fly from the united
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states to syria. most of these guys, like he, went through turkey. they go to turkey and then they go over the border into syria. and there's no -- it's not like they check in at the border as they go in. they really don't know what their travel is. they knew something he had gone into syria. as the fbi was saying, you know, as we were doing reporting on this talking to officials there, they basically said we can't investigate every person that goes to syria. we have to have more suspicion or more information about them. there are a lot of people who go to syria, journalists who go to syria, humanitarian workers that go there. and there are also guys like this that go there to fight. and so they said, yeah, we knew we had something about him going there but we didn't know much more beyond that. >> we're also hearing more about the so-called torture report. the senate intelligence report years in the making that there is a draft, was incredibly e-mailed by mistake to the associated press from the white house. a draft which appeared to try to water down the use of the word torture and the state department
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had some comments about that. one of the conclusions was that colin powell when secretary of state was kept pretty much in the dark in the initial planning on this policy. the enhanced interrogation techniques by the white house led by the cia and some people in the vice president's office. what more do we know about the evolution of this document? it's about to come out. >> well, it's about to come out. i guess the interesting news today is that this cia inspector general's report has come out that says the cia improperly basically broke into senate computers to see what they were -- what information they had as they were working on the torture report. and the cia director brennan has gone up to the hill and has apologized for this and a apparently had this tense meet with dianne feinstein earlier this week. it's interesting how this report comes out, it's clear the cia was doing all this other stuff to find out what was going to be in it and what information was there. apparently it's improper according to their inspector general.
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>> the inspector general has, we were reporting on this ourselves, i guess, about two months ago. the inspector general has done his or her review and has found that the cia was spying on the senate intelligence committee. basically busting into their computers. as dianne feinstein complained. and at the time people in the white house and the cia were denied. this is dicey because john brennan, the cia director, former nse deputy for terrorism working very closely with the president. very popular. very close to the president. and the white house initially was siding with him and going up against the senate on this. >> it will be interesting to see what happens from here because basically, it appears like what pr brennan was saying publicly is not what the inspector general found. will obama do anything about that or is he so close to brennan it won't be an issue? we have to see over the next few weeks as this report comes out and as we learn more about the torture report and all that other stuff, whether obama will
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actually do anything. >> indeed. thank you very much. and coming up, extraordinary measures. african countries are now taking bold steps to ramp up their fight against the ebola outbreak. that so far has been a losing battle. the very latest an the growing danger. we'll have dr. nancy snyderman here up next. ore than that to get through the rest of these dishes. i want more suds! dawn? you won't last. a drop of dawn ultra has active suds that stay stronger longer, so you can clean 2 times more greasy dishes to get the job done. you're full of suds after all. now drop and give me twenty spaghetti bowls! dawn does more. so it's not a chore.
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♪ [music] defiance is in our bones. defiance never grows old. citracal maximum. easily absorbed calcium plus d. beauty is bone deep. a newly released report is taking a hard line on religious freedom around the world nepu.s. state department's annual report slams countries including iran and russia saying that 2013 was the worst in recent memory, the worst year for religious community displacement. joining me is the assistant secretary of state for democracy, human rights and labor. so good to see you. thank you very much. let's talk about russia first. we focus so much on what vladimir putin is doing. we haven't focused on the crackdown in the media but we've been looking at the military steps in ukraine. internally in russia there's
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such a crackdown on religious freedom. >> it's an equal opportunity crackdown. on dissent, on minority groups, it's a crackdown on gay people. it's -- anyone who is different, anybody who he can distract his own people from his own problems that he's inflected on the people by pursuing the persecution of minorities. >> and russia's response in terms of what they've said, the russian foreign ministry has said that the report is biased and says that it contains insinuations, doubtful interpretations of russian processes. washington still refuses to notice the big and consistent work our country is doing to ensure peaceful and constructive co-existence of all traditional religions that are practiced in the russian federation. >> well, it sounds like their denials of so many other things that have happened recently. the sad part of this is the russian people are subject to kind of alternative reality of
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propaganda on so many different issues right now. and in a way that enables putin to act in all kinds of ways, including in ukraine with complete impunity. >> i want to talk about iran where you also cite iran for cracking down on religious freedom. that's less surprising. also this issue with "the washington post" journalist and his wife, also a journalist, who have been in prison now for a week with no word on their whereabouts. presumably they are in prison. >> i don't know where they are, but of course, what happened was completely unacceptable. this is a reporter doing his job. did nothing wrong. he was with us at the nuclear talks in vienna for a while. we will spare absolutely no effort to try to get hum and other americans out of prison in iran. >> has there been any response or any acknowledgment from tehrans too his whereabouts, their whereabouts? >> i don't know his whereabouts. that we do have numerous channels we can use for raising this case.
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>> presumably through oman who helped us free the hikers and others. >> we have the swiss who also represent us in iran. we've raised some of the previous cases in -- around the nuclear talks in vienna. >> and iran's response is that there is growing islamophobia in the united states, systematic discrimination against muslims and imposing limitations on religious minorities. freedom in the u.s. community has turned the country into one of the major violators of religious rights according to the official iranian news agency. we do have issues here of discrimination and prejudice against muslims. it's not government sanctioned. >> we can talk about those in the free media as we are today. that's the difference. we're not a perfect country. we make mistakes. we correct our mistakes through the democratic process. i'm proud to show that example around the world. >> now you have a higher profile than some of your predecessors because you were recently thrown out of bahrain. there's been a vigorous protest
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about that by our government. what did you do to incite such action by the bahraini. >> i did terrible things. i did what every u.s. official does when we visit bahrain and almost any country in the world. i met with the opposition, with civil society. and what's happening in bahrain is that there are good people in the government, the crown prince. good people in the opposition who are trying to forge unity out of this divide between suniy and shia. there are others who don't want that to happen. they took advantage of my presence to send a message. it was unacceptable to us. we've made that absolutely clear. we hope it will be rectified. most of all, we want to see a dialogue process, a reconciliation process in bahrain that brings the opposition and the government together for the first time since the arab spring crisis began in that country three years ago. >> can you go back? >> i hope to go back. but the more important thing is achieving our objective of a
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successful dialogue and a political reconciliation. >> the crown prince has been leading efforts from the monarchy side to the government side to try to find peaceful solutions. >> despite what may have happened to me, which was unpleasant, there are still the prospect in bahrain for a resolution through dialogue and democracy to a divide that in so many other places in iraq and syria has led to the deaths of many thousands of people. and so i still look to bahrain with a little hope ironically despite what happened. >> draw back the curtain for just a moment. what happens when you are asked to leave a country. are you escorted out or -- >> in this case, no. we were not escorted out. we were asked to leave and eventually, we did. and then many other interesting discussions ensued between our governments which continued. the important thick thing is to
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take this unpleasant incident and turn it into something positive for both us and the people in the government of bahrain. i think that's still possible. >> secretary of state tom malinowski and really a dangerous person to have in your country. >> be careful. >> yes, thank you very much, tom. speaking of reconciliation, baltimore ravens star ray rice is breaking his silence, speaking to the media for the furst time since punished with a two-game suspension for violating the personal conduct policy. rice was involved in a physical altercation at an atlantic city casino with his fiance at the time, who is now his wife. he apologized and called it the biggest mistake of his life. >> my actions that night were totally inexcusable. that night, i just replay over and over in my head. that's not me. my actions were inexcusable,
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and, you know, that's something i have to live for the -- have to live with the rest of my life. i just want to just apologize once again to any woman who has been involved in any domestic or anybody who has been involved in any kind of violence. avo: waves don't care what age you are. take them on the way you always have. live healthy and take one a day men's 50+. a complete multivitamin with 7 antioxidants to support cell health. age? who cares. this is the first power plant in the country to combine solar and natural gas at the same location. during the day, we generate as much electricity as we can using solar. at night and when it's cloudy, we use more natural gas. this ensures we can produce clean electricity whenever our customers need it. ♪
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describe a story where you were trying to hire a nanny. tell our view iers about that. >> i recognize that having a bad experience with a nanny is not, you know, on the list of top traumas in the world. let me be clear about that. >> it's illustrative. >> if you are going to operate at a certain level you need some help. if you're going to have kids, they're not going to take themselves to school until they are of a certain age. being in journalism, my husband is a litigator. we both work crazy hours. we felt this was the right sort of decision. i had a terrific nanny. she moved on for her own reasons, hat her own family. i'm interviewing for a nanny and talking to a woman in michigan. she said she's interested in moving to this area. i thought it was going very well. then she e-mails me back and asks me what race i am, we are. and, you know, people ask you that for a season. it's never irrelevant if someone raises this question. and i told her the truth and she
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just said, well, you know, i can't work for you. i said to her, i just think that's bizarre. she thought there was something wrong with me. she didn't understand my problem. she said that's just -- people want to work for people of their own race. she really did not understand like what -- why i thought it was odd that she would take herself out of a job because she wouldn't work for somebody who is african-american. and the reason i raised that, when i was asked by the "national journal" to offer reflections on anne marie slaughter's piece which you've done a lot of thinking and reporting on. i felt this was something that had to be said. you can have the same set of circumstances that afct women who work outside the home. families who have a need for some additional support. there can be an additional layer that people don't even think about. >> henry slaughter's cover story on the "atlantic" was the highest seller in years. it's going to be turned into a
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book. it raises the issue of women having to cope. many single moms. but the conversation really is an elite upper middle conversation. >> it is an elite middle class conversation. i have to say that i appreciate anne marie opening the door to these kinds of conversations. one reason i thought it was important. here's a woman operating at a high level in a prestigious job talking about things a lot of people who do those kinds of jobs often don't talk about which is what's going on at home. a lot of people, particularly women have been afraid to have those conversations because they don't want their competence kaurld in called into question, their decision to do those kinds of jobs called into question. the reality is, that is the reality. i have to tell you, i had anne marie on my show an "tell me more" and i said, have you noticed none of the respondents on the website are of color. not one. and she couldn't believe it. she couldn't believe it. she said that can't be right. i said it is right. she said we have to fix that.
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and they did. but i have to tell you, time and time again, i would be invited to conversations around this article and there would be not one person of color included. and i just think that can't continue. it was almost as if when you raise it people would say oh, that's not right. let's fix that. why didn't they notice? i'm not a person who is a fan of shaming people for what they don't already know. but when you point something out, and it just has to be the case because the whole issue of work is so present for -- in the lives of women of color. the fact of the matter is more women of color are more likely to be in the labor force, particularly african-american women. >> and more likely to be single moms. >> and that has been the case throughout our history. even for people who are privileged, life happens. men, our dear colleague, katie couric, her husband died at a young age. the father of her children. she's working for a reason. this wasn't a luxury for her butter and egg money. the kind of issues that affect one, affect all. often the way we talk about them
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does not include the really important realities that affect other women's lives. and that's what i'm trying to say. we have to have a broader conversation about this or it never gets fixed. >> also the broader conversation about how women are not -- still not part of the mainstream conversation, even women -- white women have issues. let me play our friend katie couric interviewed ruth bader ginsburg. let's watch this from yahoo!. >> the five male justices truly understood the ramifications of their decision? >> i would have to say no. but justices continue to think and can change so i am ever hopeful that if the court has a
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blind spot today, its eyes will be open tomorrow. >> so there still is a blind spot when it comes to gender issues on the court. >> it's really fascinating. a colleague of mine who is now on the council of foreign relations wrote a wonderful book about tracing the lives of a group of women entrepreneurs in afghanistan. one of the things she said to me, how is it that half the population became special interest? >> we'll have to leave it with that question. but we'll continue to look and listen for your voice wherever it is. >> thank you. and now to some major casting news. with this report from a very proud "nightly news" anchor on the role his daughter was born to play. >> just today, nbc announced allison williams will play the role of peter pan. the actress and singer is currently in the cast of "girls" on mbo. family members confirm she's been rehearsing for this role since the age of 3. and they look forward to seeing her fly.
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>> as do we all. the talented singer and actress is becoming the best known member of the williams family and could soon eclipse her dad, our good friend brian. virtually all your important legal matters in just minutes. now it's quicker and easier for you to start your business, protect your family, and launch your dreams. at we put the law on your side. the summer of this.mmer.
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ebola is claiming more health victims. the deadly virus has killed 729 people in western africa. the peace corps has withdrawn their volunteers from west africa with as many as 300 now leaving the area. doctors without borders says it's an unprecedented crisis. joining me from new york is nbc chief medical editor dr. nancy snyderman. dr. nancy, hi. i know you are all over this. tell us, what is the latest, especially from samaritan's purse, the north carolina group that had two victims. >> they have two patients who are currently stable but grave as described. so two patients who are being
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treated within liberia. we've now had a confirmed, not only from international sources but also from the nih, the cdc and various nongovernmental organizations that this is, quote, out of control. it is now the worst ebola outbreak in human history. and it's never really hit western african countries like it has right now. sierra leone, guinea and liberia. so the world health organization is now talking about a major infusion of cash. countries coming in an unprecedented way. i do not believe we are looking at getting this under control any time soon. this will now morph into weeks and maybe months. >> there's a statement from jeremy writebol about the fact that dr. brantly, there was an experimental serum that arrived. there's dose for only one patient and the statement is that dr. brantly has demonstrated once again how jesus sacrificed for us. we pray for kent's full recovery and healing.
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apparently he has given that serum to nancy writebol. >> this came out this morning. both of them ill. both work for the same nongovernmental organization. samaritan's purse. one dose of this experimental vaccine or serum. i believe he is not as well as she is. one dose. he said to give it to her. at the same time, a 14-year-old boy who has survived ebola has given -- offered his blood as a transfusion for doctor brantly because he said the doctor saved his life. we're not only seeing the work of brave people who stay on the front lines of illnesses that can kill them but i think we're seeing what humanitarianism looks like. not only in workers who go into foreign countries but sometimes a patient whose lives are saved and they pay it back in ways that we can't even imagine. >> there's a large liberian community and others from west
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africa in places such as minnesota. communities are coming together. what are the risks because of all of the travel back n forth? >> i think americans need to understand that the risks in this country are extraordinarily low. even travel hasn't -- travel advisories haven't been raised. one person needs to really come into contact with bodily secretions from an infected person and that means vomit, blood, feces. you see people in hazmat suits because it takes so little of this virus to inoculate a person. and then because the window for which the virus can incubate is anywhere from 2 to 21 days. people are hypervigilant. but what really concerns people is that you can imagine how hot it is right now in liberia. you see those pictures of people in the suits. they work 16 to 20-hour days. they are exhausted. they stick to very strict protocols and yet any bit of human error can invite
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consequence. and most likely that's what we're looking at in not only the one death but the two patients right now who are stable but still fighting for their lives. >> thank you so much, dr. nancy, for taking the time for this update. great stories of sacrifice and service. thank you. >> you bet. and switching back to politics now, which political story will be making headlines in the next 24 hours? how about that corruption trial in richmond. >> talk about from the good of humanity to the not so good of humanity. >> you could not have a bigger contrast. jonnie williams, the key prosecution witness who himself there are questions about his reliability and that's what the defense will raise because he was involved in some investigation and was granted immunity from other possible charges in order to testify. he testified that it was just a business deal. no love relationship. business raises the whole question of possible corruption. >> the reason we've talked about this, the reason that the crush defense, for lack of a better
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word, which is what the mcdonnell lawyers are saying. maureen mcdonnell had essentially a platonic crush or they had a platonic relationship. maureen mcdonnell and jonnie williams. and that's why all of these gifts were given and that sort of thing and that it was the result of a bad marriage. jonnie williams is saying, nope, i'm a businessman. bob mcdonnell is a politician. i wanted to get as much attention from the governor for my president, the dietary sup element. i wanted to get that in the always of power and i saw this as a way to do so. he said an the stand today it was a mistake to have given bob mcdonnell a rolex watch. but again, that's the danger for bob mcdonnell. that at least one of these parties said it was a business transaction. and it's why the mcdonnell's lawyer is arguing an embarrassing, maybe a personally embarrassing sort of argument but a legally more sound argument to get them off. it's hard to be -- if it's not a business transaction, the corruption charges, which i
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think are 11 of the 13 or 14 charges being brought up against, are a lot harder to prove. >> what he says an the stand was, i knew it was wrong of the rolex gift. i shouldn't have had to buy things like that to get the help i needed. and this was bob mcdonnell coming into the courthouse today. >> governor, what was it like to sit there and listen to jonnie williams on the stand yesterday? >> this is a marathon. it's not going to be decided today. and we just look forward to the day after day as the truth comes out. >> that's to be continued. thank you so much. we should point out this is the prosecution's case. the defense gets its turn. that does it for "andrea mitchell reports." a busy day. we'll have more tomorrow. follow the show online on facebook and on twitter @mitchellreports. sk "ronan farrow daily" is next. live healthy and take one a day men's 50+. a complete multivitamin with 7 antioxidants to support cell health.
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months off. >> should boehner say impeachment is off the table? >> absolutely. >> when you talk about republicans wanting to impeach the president, this is not a small number. upwards of 60% of republicans would impeach this president. >> another day of fighting and intensity has already pushed the death toll here up to at least 39. >> edward snowden may soon be looking for a new home. the former nsa contractor turned whistleblower's temporary one-year asyl num russia expires today. 1:00 p.m. on the east coast, 10:00 a.m. on the west coast. here's what you need to know. developing news on capitol hill. the house is expected to begin vote anything minute on a bill to address the crisis at the border. it would allocate $659 million to respond to the surge of unaccompanied minors flooding our border. the president had asked for a whollo